Sunday, October 19, 2008

Finally I got marry.

Richard is an old childhood friend. Yesterday I attended, his second and last daughter's wedding. The dinner was held in a six stars hotel over at the Chinese restaurant. The presentation was magnificently decorated with a powerful point showing how the two families grew. The bride was beautifully dressed and the groom was handsome. There were laughter and cheers of old friends meeting one another here.

Mid way during the dinner, both families of the bride and groom were at the platform to offer the wedding toast to the guests. As usual, our Chinese would toast by three significant 'yam sengs' as a cultural respect to all who attended the dinner. I could see my good friend, Richard and his wife, Shirley were excited over the loud cheers from the hundred of guests, relatives and families. Deep in my heart, I knew the happiest man at that moment, should be no other than Richard himself. His eyes and facial tell! He could be pondering over time, when he himself got marry thirty over years ago with Shirley. They worked hard together and raised their two pretty angels. There were sorrow and joy along the way. It wasn't easy coz I had seen them suffering when things were bad at time. They planned well and managed to send both their daughters to study abroad. Finally, in a wick of time the children had grown, turned adults and to marry now. He was definitely proud of his success and achievement. Equally I felt nice for him.

Looking at the bride and groom, I could see they got marry for the sake of showing and obliging their parents. Not like before, when couples married for the purpose of bonding together. No couples were allowed to be in close contact, until the wedding bells were rung. Before, sex came later after marriage. Whereas today, sex first and marriage later or don't come at all. It looks funny but certainly time has changed our way of life. The wedding dinner was just to appease the parents more than their children who were getting married.

Food for the thought -"The real act of marriage takes place in the heart, not in the ballroom or church or synagogue. It's a choice you make -- not just on your wedding day, but over and over again -- and that choice is reflected in the way you treat your husband or wife." - Barbara De Angelis


  1. Hi Robert, thank you for dropping by my place.
    Glad to have you aboard.
    And even though I am a Canadia now, I still love Malaysia, thus most of my postings have been about Malaysia.....

    Re your this posting, I was back in KL in 2002 attended a neice wedding, 100 tables too! The biggest I've ever gone to. At I think Sunway Hotel.

    I still have roots back in Malaysia and Sarawak, Singapore...though have not seen most relatives long time.
    It takes 24 hours to return and I dislike flying long distance as I can't sleep on a plane, so will suffer not only jetlag, but no sleep, ha ha.

    Incidentally, we are 12 hours behind you. It is 8.40AM Sunday here now, you are 8.40PM night in KL.
    Once again, thank you for coming by.
    You stay easy and have a great week, best regards, Lee.

  2. Hi Lee..

    Do drop by my place,if you are back here in Malaysia. Otherwise we meet over our blogs for further understanding of each other. I think we look alike in character.
