Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Malaysia is my home.

Khan is a Bangladeshi who has been working in our country for few years. He came as a tourist but remain as an illegal worker without proper documentation. His passport has been expired for quite sometime and he knew it would not be safe to move around. He had been serving me well as a waiter and we became good friend. Out of trust, he revealed his true identity and immigration problem to me. He has no intention to return to his homeland because he loves Malaysia. I was surprised he has admiration for our country. He likes our multi racial unity, the different cultures and religions, varieties of exotic food, beautiful weather, cleanliness, interesting environment, friendly atmosphere and a safe place to live. He hopes and prays that he has a way to be granted for a PR, permanent resident one day.

I am sure, Khan isn't the only foreigners who wishes to stay in our country. Mark, an American who has been residing in Malacca for twenty years loves our beaches. He hasn't returned home ever since he opened a pub there. Barry, a Norwegian, married to our local beauty ten years ago, adores our place. Rinnie, an Italian lady has been working here since young, takes Malaysia as her home. These are all my friends who are not Malaysian yet but they are proud to be here. Sad to say, there are many Malaysian who are not. For the past years, many of my clients had left this country for another. They could be telling me all the various excuses for leaving, I still think my country, Malaysia is the best home for me. I believe, everywhere is the just depend on how our mind plays. No place would be ideal if your heart has no love and happiness. I got my love and happiness from my friends, family and my little darling.

Food for the thought - "Be grateful for the home you have, knowing that at this moment, all you have is all you need." - Sarah Ban Breathnach


  1. Hi Robert,

    I fully agree with you...and home is where the heart is.
    And yes, Malaysia is a beautiful and wonderful country....and I have lived in several States during my working days back then. Love Penang especially.

    In my case it was adventure as well quitting a job I had and love and not to be tempted to rejoin but to spend and devote my life to a wife I had neglected during my old days of reaching for the stars...and having spent more than half my life in a warm tropical country...decided to try out a 4 seasons country for a change....starting a new kind of life, more Monasterial kind too, ha ha.

    Regrets I have but too few to mention. Anyway, you keep well and have a nice day.

  2. Hi Lee...

    Its always good to read your contents. Coz I know, you spoke with your heart. A man with so much of experiences in life. How I wish, if we could meet and share more. By the way, which Monasterial location are you at currently?

    Thank you for commenting again. Hope to see you more often.

  3. Hi Robert

    I am surprised that Yvonne did not advise you that you can actually read of Lee's contents and location at

    Check it out!
