Friday, October 24, 2008

What is a successful man?

There are many definition of a successful man. Some would have said, when I become millionaires, or when my business turns billion or for my fellow life insurance agents, making to the Premium Club is considered as successful. Of all, I personally like this..."A successful man is the one who makes more money than his wife or girlfriend can spend." Not only has he got money, he should not feel the pinch or pain whenever his woman spends. He should feel great that he is capable to let her spends. Seeing his loved one being pampered by him, should be a joy and achievement. The car that she drives which is paid by him is a pride in his heart. The six karats diamond ring she wears flashes his glory. The attractive dresses he chooses for her, make him proud and honour.

Although I am still not a millionaire yet, I am trying to appease my little darling in all ways I could. Do you want to know what is a successful woman? Yes! A successful woman is one who can find such a man like I mentioned above. To my lady readers... have you found such a man?

And to the man, please take note - "Whatever you give a woman, she's going to multiply. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So! If you give her crap, you'll get a bucket full of shit." This phrase was shared by Fionne Chan.


  1. What do you mean you are still not a millionaire yet?

    At your age, you have made your millions already and you have spend them, too!

  2. Hi Anonymous...

    Though I don't hold the million cash in hand, I am proud to let my woman spends as she wishes and yet I don't feel the pinch and pain in my heart. For that I consider myself as a successful man. Don't you think so??

  3. To a millionaire who aspires to become a billionaire but fails to do so, he is not successful.
    Success is relative; success is subjective; success is not measured by how much we have, but how we look at what we have.
    As long as we are not contented and happy, we are not successful.

  4. Are you saying a successful person is a person that let his woman spends as she wishes?

  5. Hi dct..

    Yes! Success comes by many way. Everyone has different inspiration and aspiration of life. I like your last sentence..."As long as we are not contented and happy, we are not successful." You have knowledge and wisdom to be able to write those words. Thank you on your comment.

  6. Hi Anonymous...

    Yes! As a successful person, he is also successful to pick a prudent lady behides him. A lady who understands what to spend and what not to spend. You have to read deeper into my subject to understand. Thank you for reading my blog.

  7. I feel that youe wife is very2 lucky to have married u, not all women are as lucky as her.As far as i know , most of the women are working as hard as a donkey in order to enlighten the burden of their husbands.

  8. Hi Anonymous...

    Thank you for that sweet compliment. I must tell my little darling.

  9. Hi Young Man

    Your little darling is lucky to have you....hmmmmm mine is coming soon.

  10. Hi anonymous 29 Oct...

    Good for you...when u do have that little darling...make sure u don't have the pinch and pain to spend on her. Thank you for reading my blog.
