Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Appreciate the beauty of our lives.

I met Lee, an older member of our equestrian club. As usual the common greeting was, "Hey! Robert, how are you lately?" With a broad smile, I responded, "Oh! Marvellous! I feel great as though I am on top of the world." Lee was astonished with this rapid and positive reply which he had not heard of for quite sometimes. According to him, everybody in town was moody and unhappy on the current down market affecting us globally. He wanted to know how I could still get my energy and enthusiasm currently.

My reason was quite simple. To live happily, I have to accept the fact, the world comes with the good and the bad. If the economy was always on the rise without a would us to appreciate the good time of making. We have to suffer the down turn now to experience the pain of loosing and uncertainties. So! When we market recovers, we would not take things for granted. Similarly we have to fall sick once in awhile to know what is good health. Otherwise nobody be bother to exercise and to maintain a healthy living. Many have to experience bad romance and relationship, to appreciate a final true love if it comes along. I believe life comes with a package of sweetness and bitterness or happiness and sorrowfulness. We have to take them all as challenges. If we had not tasted bitterness, sweetness is not sweet than. Or if we had not experienced sorrow in life, happiness is nothing to us then. Although the market might be slower, I am glad my health is in peak form, I still visit my gym regularly, I still have plenty of fun in my career, though there were some nasty comments on my blog...I enjoyed every moment writing and sharing to the world, many of my age group have slowed down... but I am still active in love and romance, my pocket might not be heavy but I still could take little darling to eat wherever she wants. To my friend Lee, "I appreciate the beauty of life and certainly I feel to be on top of the matter what happen."

Food for the thought - "Cherish your visions; cherish your ideals; cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, for out of them will grow delightful conditions, all heavenly environment; of these if you but remain true to them, your world will at last be built." - James Allen


  1. Hi anonymous...

    I could be...but I am brave enough to reveal my name and show who I am. Not you.. who write with only an anonymous..covering yourself in a hidden world. I am an appreciatier... Are you?

  2. Naughty boys' real heart are actually nasty.

    You mask it for 61 years and called that brave?

  3. I prefer to say…” we become what we think about…” if we think we will become wiser, brave, intelligent, lovely or successful, we will surely and definitely become what we think about, it just a matter of time…coz oneself is unique and our minds are so powerful; divided into conscious mind, sub-conscious mind and super sub-conscious mind. All the thought either positives or negatives came into our conscious mind and played and sink into our subconscious mind, then after some times our body automatically will act on it. That’s how powerful our mind is. So be careful with our thought…anyway, life is about choice. A choice to be positive or negative….

  4. My dear prof 5

    Your statement 'we become what we think about…' is what makes many if not one to have delusions.

    For instance, God's plan is so beautiful and aging is one of God's plan.

    However, some people use that statement to 'think' that they are still young.

    That is what I called going against God's plan, prof.

    By the way, the faculty of the mind provided by the Almighty God can also be abused. For example, when a normal person trying to act and think abnormally.

  5. "when a normal person trying to act and think abnormally" Isn't this what we called being creative? Individual has their own uniqueness and individual perception is different.

    Well done young man! You have been written very well n very persistent.

    May God bless you with lots of love and peace.

  6. Hi Robert

    Do you think a specialist can actually comprehend a person’s inner self just by analyzing the person’s write-ups?

  7. My dear butterfly,

    Creative thinking is important. The process boils down to changing your point of view and seeing things in a different way than you currently do.

    People like to describe this as “thinking outside of the box,” which is the incorrect way to look at it. Just like Neo needed to appreciate that “there is no spoon” in the film The Matrix, a person need to recognize that “there is no box” to step outside of.

    A person may construct their own imaginary boxes simply by living life and accepting certain things as “real” when they are just as illusory as the beliefs of a paranoid delusional. The difference is, enough people agree that certain man-made concepts are “real,” so you’re viewed as “normal.” This is good for society overall, but it’s that sort of unquestioning consensus that inhibits your natural creative abilities.

    So, rather than looking for ways to inspire creativity, a person should just realize the truth. My dear butterfly, even you’re already capable of creative thinking at all times, but you have to strip away the imaginary mental blocks (or boxes) that you’ve picked up along the way to wherever you are today.

  8. Hi Prof 5...

    I like your last statement... life is about choice. I choose to be positive. Thank you for sharing a positive view and opinion.

  9. Hi Butterfly...

    Thank you for your support and comments. I try to think logically and creatively at the sametime...without loosing my pride and love.

  10. Hi Anonymous...Do you think a specialist can actually comprehend a person’s inner self just by analyzing the person’s write-ups?

    Perhaps you can tell all of us. Would appreciate it. Thank you.

  11. Hi young man keeping writing...
    may u be blessed with lots of happiness,faith, hope and love...u stay young n dynamic always...

  12. Hi Zarina...

    Your inspiring words definitely helped. You made my day. Thank you.

  13. Dear all,

    Perception and Explanation

    For him who has perception, a mere sign is enough.

    For him who does not really heed, a thousand explanations are not enough.

  14. Hi Prof 5..

    Well spoken. Thank you for coming back again to lay your comment.

  15. Wah lou wei!

    My sifu say you really need to come up with an ongoing supply of carefully neutral yet non-random (and non-lame) pseudonyms lah!
