Thursday, November 13, 2008

Caught in an unexpected moment.

A good friend was sharing this story with me. Father was worried over his last son who has turned 28. When the child was at his teenage growing, he had many girlfriends who came and went. Surprising when he reached 21 of adult age, he had only male friends. Sometimes different males would be staying together with his son in his room. Gradually he left long hair, as long as the ladies. Father was concerned, wondering whether son had turned gay. Was he liking men more than women! Otherwise, why there wasn't any girls calling his good looking boy. Rather men would be coming around to visit his son in the late nights. Puzzle! Puzzle and puzzling!!!!

Came one morning when the father was reading his newspaper in the living room. His son's room was at the downstairs facing the hall. Out came a sexy girl from the son's room, hair loosened and her pajamas was one sided. Not expecting his father was around, shy she was, she said a soft 'hi' to the man of the house. She walked rapidly towards the kitchen for a glass of water. Not facing the father, she quickly ran back to the room. The father was stunned and caught unguarded with her presence. He did not utter a word but just stared with a blank face.

In the father's heart, he was happy for the son who has finally got a girlfriend. Wow! His son is a normal healthy young man. On the other hand, he wasn't sure whether he had done the right thing by merely looking at the girl without saying a proper word. My friend asked, "What should I say, when I saw her at that moment when I hadn't expected her." I didn't know whether I was right either but I replied, "You should have said...hi! How was your sleep last night?"

Perhaps I was wrong too, as I myself hadn't experienced such challenging situation. I open to the those readers who are brave enough to offer some comments. What will the best and ideal reply to this future daughter-in-law? Your words are most appreciated.

Food for the thought - "Pleasure is very seldom found where it is sought; our brightest blazes of gladness are commonly kindled by unexpected sparks." — Samuel Johnson (1709-1784).


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  8. After I read the whole story, I would say that he’s not gay. From the psychological context, this guy could have a disorder social behavior. It’s depends what his background. For example, an IT guy have less interaction or social life with outside world, they prefer to mix around with their friends with same interest e.g. computer and talking about the same subjects coz others would not understand their feelings. They are not good in communicating or interacting with people but they are good in ‘communicating’ with computer coz they spend more time alone with computer. Normally their love relationship were among the partner with same interests or connected thru the cyber world; and if he has previous girlfriend, we would rather come back to her rather than to find a new one coz he has a limitation to build new relationship and socializing with new potential girlfriend out there. It’s hard for them to express feeling or love in an outside world than a cyber world. Most of these people look simple, sometimes untidy and not fashionable but they are brilliant.

  9. Hi Ah Fai....

    That is very interesting! U are truly an intelligent person who could be so obervance.

    Thank you for your comment.
