Saturday, November 15, 2008

Change for the better.

Over hearing my elder son, Alvin chatting on Skpe with his younger brother, Caldwin... I learned something which I had not thought off. As Alvin is 37, a corporate player, who has seen the up and down of his career, knows better the facts of life more than his younger brother. Caldwin is 27, still single and playful in nature. A little rebellious, not fully mature yet, irresponsible at times and quite untidy in personality. Perhaps we the parents were to be blamed because we had pampered him too much, for he is our last child. We had treated him like a baby!! However he has a rich heart, always willing to share and offer help to others. Thanks God! At least, he has the one strong feature of the father.

Alvin was saying... there are two standard rules in this world. The first is our own standard measurement of the style we live for. You can be irresponsible or untidy in your own way of dressing but when you go out to face the world, you have to dress neat and smart, which is considered as the standard rule. You might not be bothered with what others think of you, but the world judges you from their standard by the way you show your clean personality. You might have a lower or higher expectation of lives, but take the required standard of what society wants out of us. As long as the second standard rule is maintained, you will be accepted wherever you go.

With a little persuasion from Alvin, Caldwin took his brotherly advices. He changed his entire outlook from head to foot with some encouragement. Lately we realized, he is much a happier man because there are so much of admiration from everywhere. Coz he looks like his handsome dad. Yes Alvin! I have to take your words too. The older foes dislike bright sexy and colourful clothing but the younger generation thinks otherwise. As the world has more younger people, I have to dress like them as well to meet their standard. My shirts are no longer dull but are striking and sexy. I wear macho jeans and fancy sport shirts. My grey hair has turned brown and red. Although your gold watch which you had bought for me 15 years ago and had been repaired to perfection lately, I am wearing a new simple stainless Seiko brand now. Yes! I had my own standard of old fashion wearing but I have also accepted the second standard which makes me younger and livelier. I have changed! Little darling said, Alvin looks more like a brother to me now.

How true this is - "Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world." - A Course In Miracles


  1. Nothing is permanent except CHANGE.
    So accept change when it comes, and not to expect change to accept you if you do not change.

  2. Hi Cityding....

    Well said...but sometimes due to some unforseen circumstances.. is also difficult to the title you wrote ..."Where to, Tanah Airku."

    Thank you for reading my blog.
