Thursday, November 20, 2008

The critical life journey.

I was attending a training class on our latest Prumutiple crisis cover this afternoon. There were some information worth looking at. We were given the critical illness (CI) claims trend analysis. One part of it was CI paid by age band in the year 2005 to 2008 (up to 30th June 2008).
The following are the average percentage paid claims indicating to their age band accordingly:

1. Age band <20.......2%
2. - 20 - 30 ......6%
3. - 30 - 40 ......22%
4. - 40 - 50 ......42%
5. - 50 - 60 .....25%
6. - >60 ............3%

Based on the above statistic, age band 40 -50 remains the highest number of CI claims cases paid from Year 2005 -2007. In the Year 2008, age band 40 - 50 still tops the highest number of CI claims cases paid between Jan - June 2008, contributing 41.9% of the CI claims payout amounting RM26,688,310.00.

The above statistic will tell a bit of our life. Below 20 of age is always the innocent years. They are strong, healthy and growing. Between 20 and 30 is the disturbing period. They thought they know everything and attempt to try all possible things. Some who have gone extreme to abuse their health, have to fall out of life. By the time, those who have reached their 30 - 40, they know what they want out of lives. Most likely they have got marry and are serious in their career. They are fully involved at work and have lesser time for themselves. They skip the routine of sports and games. Along the way, they pick the bad habit of smoking and drinking. By the time, they reach 40 - 50, they are almost exhausted in breath. Most of them would have put on weight due to over eating and less exercising. Due to heavy socializing and function, they smoke and drink even more. Their dreams and goals are bigger, creating more anxiety and pressure on their mind. As the body is being abused further, nature has to take its part. Unexpectedly they realise, their health is greatly affected. The common sicknesses are high blood and diabetic mellitus which fall easily under this age band. Those who could reach 50 -60 are more careful and responsible. Perhaps realising their problems, they correct and change their lifestyles to something more meaningful. Congratulate to those who arrive above the 60 plus. These are the few who have understood the facts of life. They are discipline, responsible, healthy, loving and very positive type of people.

Thanks to The Almighty Universe, I have gone passed that age surplus but still feeling so young in heart. I am totally a responsible person who is very committed to my career. I have been trained to be discipline since a child. Exercise and proper diet are important in my life. My heart is filled with gold to share. I hate smoking but sip a few drop of wine. My mind is full of happiness and joy...and I am prepared to make another person happy. I had seen more death and visited more sick in my life time selling insurance. I wish ....I could tell more people how to stay longer and heathier without claiming life insurance too early in their lives.

Food for the thought - "Where there is love there is life" — Gandhi (1869-1948)

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