Monday, November 03, 2008

Love insurance is free.

I have been in the insurance business for more than 26 years. Handing life, medical and properties covers. In fact, almost everything could be insured as long as there is value on the interest matters. So confidence on my career when I was caught unguarded last nite over a dinner with one of my daughter in law family. Her attractive mum asked me, "Do you have love insurance?" I was thinking of life insurance to be payable on death for the loved one.

According to this humorous mother, love insurance is to insure newly married couple. Making sure that their love should always be tied and knotted permanently until death. If I care for my son and my new found daughter in law, I should insure their love as long as they live. Although it sounded like a joke over the table, I sensed she is a very wisdom person. Laughingly I told them. Yes! Love insurance is available but not from the life insurance company. Knowing my daughter in law who was brought up in such refine parental background, I believe she will love and care for my son. From my son whom I made him to what he is of today, I trust he is capable to be responsible to care and love his wife too. With both their eyes, I could see their loves are pure and sincere. I gave my fatherly blessing which I assured their love is forever. As long as I live, I will make sure my son and his wife will remain happy together....for the better or for the worst their love is assured. Plus with such wise mum in law around, this couple will always be guided and advised if help is needed.

You buy life insurance from the company but to buy love insurance, the assurance is from the within...the two families. To my son and Fionna, this is your assurance of love if only you follow the understanding of your love contract... "Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrong. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." This love insurance is free.

1 comment:

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