Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sharing is happiness

This evening I was invited by Amir to have an agency talk. The title was, "The final sprint & What is next?" Most of the agents who turned up were young and new in the business. They looked innocent and inexperience. To help boost their sales, the final sprint before the year closes, I encouraged them to identify their reachable contacts first for this coming month. The best people to see are their closed friends, relatives and existing clients. With some hard work and determination, they should be able to get what they want. However..."What is next?" is even more important. Meaning...from now onwards they should attempt to sell not merely on incentives but rather through love, passion, fun, excitement and smart approaches. If they had forgotten the subject on "intelligence and smart", suggest to read this title written a few days ago on my blog.

Three questions were thrown to me. The first question: how did I sell those big cases? Answer: I grow with my clients. As they became richer and more successful, they buy bigger plans. You have to stay longer in this business, so that they could purchase from you. The second question: I need to close immediate sales within these two months to qualify my incentives. Any fastest way to go around? Answer: If you had sold to the husband, insist that you want to see his sweet wife. Or if you had sold to a single person, insist to see his/her lover. The chances are, you might sell them too. The third question: I am afraid to see prospects who are strangers. How to approach them? Answer: Come along with me to a shopping mall or a jogging park. See me talk to strangers when I could make them laugh. You will learn faster from my practical outing.

I hope the two hours sharing would inspire and motivate them. My past mistakes in life were my teachers, making me a teacher to teach this group of aspiring young agents. I had given my knowledge and they had given me value. The young and old have to stay intact to grow and to survive. I sincerely hope, they had benefited my sharing and I had some fun with them as well. Amir...thank you for inviting me to your training session.

Do you know - "Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it. — Bernard Meltzer, American lawyer.


  1. Robert,
    Thank you for the session. It's really great session for me and all my friends who are really new in this business. Thanks for share your experience over 40 years in sales and 27 years in this Insurance fields.

    Eimirates member.

  2. Hi Cendawan...

    I shared my knowledge and you gave value to me. Happiness is to see others happy and achieve in live.

  3. Hi Robert--
    I learn a lot -- it's sort of role play to "how to" for me --I do enjoy it--

    Thank u very2 much --Please do not stop writing your passion --

  4. thanks robert.
    i just followed what u said, "do common things in an uncommon way."
    again, thanks for the energy!!

  5. Hi Eimir....

    You don't need to be intelligence but we need to be"do the common things in an uncommon way". Thanks for reading my blog.

  6. Hi Anonymous Nov 26...

    Keep learning. My door is always opened to you guys. Thank you for reading my blog.

  7. Hi Robert,

    Sharing is indeed a way to demonstrate whether your method works, if the knowledge you share give success to others...that is your giving part in life...may GOd bless us all.


  8. Hi RL...

    You always wrote sensibly and I am glad u read my blog.
