Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Appreciation not condemn.

CF, a young lad who made his first trip to Shanghai for a holiday alone to visit his elder brother. Before taking off from home, his mother who had been to Shanghai before, briefed his son regarding the China airport city transportation. Upon arrival to the airport, the best way to reach his brother house was by the official taxis piling along the front terminal. By the clocking of the taxi meter, the estimated fare should not be more than yuan 180 for an one hour journey.

The next morning, CF called home through Skype, letting his mother knew that he had arrived safely. I happened to be around over hearing the son and the mum conversation. CF sounded a bit sad and frustrated, because he was taken a ride by a con limousine claiming to be the official taxi from the authority. Instead of charging a fare of not more than 180, the aggressive Chinese driver insisted a fare of 380 from the poor innocent CF. Though CF is an oversea Chinese but he was cheated by another local Chinese.

Instead of having sympathy over the child, the mother scolded furiously over the mike near to the computor. These were her angry words, "You were so stupid!! I had told you before you left that the fare is only 180 and yet you paid 380. You are brainless. Stupid and stupid!!!"

Over hearing their online chat, I could only listen and calmed the mother down. In empathy I thought, the lad was not stupid but rather was his mum. Perhaps he wasn't smart enough to understand the canniness of the outside world. After all, he wasn't a regular traveller and the first time to this huge city. I think the mum was stupid for not being able to understand the frustration of his mind. He had been forced and cheated by a stranger. If the mother could have being a smarter mum, she should have said, "Alright son. Is ok! Now that you have arrived safely there, I will feel better for you. I hope you will learn from this lesson coz I know you are my intelligent boy."

Lesson I always easy to criticise and condemn at the slightest mistakes but not easy to offer sincere compliment and appreciation when goodness has been done.

Food for the thought - "Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, need only a bit of praise or encouragement -- and we will make the goal." - Jerome P. Fleishman


  1. Hi Robert,

    Poor son and every little or big mistakes/problems..there is a so called "blessing in silence" after that incident surely both son & mother would understand the outside world better...

    perfectness or quality+defect=human

    So no matter how perfect you plan, there must always be hickups..somewhere somehow...because we are only humans.

    Red Lavender

  2. Hi RL,

    I hope the son and mum would read to understand them. Thank you for the thoughtful comment.

  3. Uhmm ... the same thing use to be happen to me... and always left me feeling very very down and worried will be like one in future.

    Nowadays I learn a lot from My Sayang as he always says good things and encourage me to be more careful in future when I'm facing problems esp make mistakes.

    It's work... now, I can let go easily the burden of feeling guilty for mistakes I had done.

    Anyway, Happy New Year ;)

  4. Hi Awien Ghazi,

    Forget the past, the present and future are more important. Your face tells me you are a very kind hearted lady. Keep reading my blog and u will learn more my dear.

  5. Hi Young Man !

    Why is it easy for us to critise &
    condemn at the slightest mistakes
    but not easy to offer sincere compliment & appreciation to the
    goodness which has been done ?

    The answer is the EGO within us.

    The moment we can get rid of the
    ego within us, we do not compare
    with others then we can maintain
    a positive state of mind - full of
    love, gratitude & compassion.

    It is the realisation of the GREAT
    world we are living in and the BEAUTIFUL people (Young Man & his
    blog readers) around us.

    Let us self-cultivate our EGO and
    this planet Earth will certainly be a better place to live in.

    Agree or Disagree?

    From : Young Kat

  6. Hi Young Kat,

    Your wisdom words added are most appreciated. I totally agree with you...let us self cultivate our EGO.
