Monday, December 08, 2008

To love with trust and joy.

Coming back to Irena's topic two days ago on.. "U can't sell when U are unhappy"... I was saying that I will attempt to write further ...."To love with trust and joy". Perhaps is a public holiday tomorrow, I think many Malaysian would be free to enjoy reading this title, especially those who are unhappy over romance love.

Though love has pleasure, pain is unavoidable with it. To be in love or to be beloved, is a sensational feeling. You can easily notice those who are in love with their joyful eyes and their smiles are always sweet. Be careful...not when you have fallen out of love or should there be any misunderstanding on love, your sunken face will show.

Irena had complained that her boyfriend has caused her miserably because he is the very possessive type. He disallowed her to meet male prospects and clients, and restricted her movement. His jealousy is so strong, which inconvenient Irena to meeting all her male friends. I really felt sorry for Irena who has lost her freedom over night.

I might have not seen Irena boyfriend before but with her description, I strongly believe this man definitely lacks personal confidence. To love a person, is to care for her and making sure she is happy and joyful all the time no matter what happen. He has to be patience and kind to her. Love does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered and it keeps no records of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Loving the person, he has to put in the extra effort. Love always hopes and perseveres which will lead to trust. Unless the man understands totally what is love, he will fail in love.

My little darling is an intelligently mature and very attractive lady. Though sometime I might feel jealous a little when she goes to meet some important males, I will never stop her in all her meetings with others. Deep down in my heart I actually feel proud that others are admiring her beauty and intelligence. I have the fullest trust in her because I am capable to love her more strongly than any men around. If for any reasons, there is another better man who can win her even though I have given my best, I have to give way for such a man. Loving her is to make sure she has the best in everything. To make sure I am always the deserving man for her, I cannot take her for granted but to continue to shower her all my passionate love forever. Only those who do not have the confidence, thought that by controlling their love, relationship might last. In actual fact, love is locked through the heart and not the mind. You give the heart the trust and the mind the joy.

To the one I love - "May our relationship last forever. May I sail upon your sea. May we go through life together. May there be always be a WE. May I be your endless sky. May your breathe my gentle air. May you never wonder why! Each time you look for me, I am there. May we be for each a smile. Like the warm, life giving sun. Yet we are in pain awhile. May our suffering be one. May we share our special days. The happiness one for two. And if we go separate ways. Let my love remains be with you."


  1. Hi Robert,

    A saying = A man have 9 brains while the woman have 1 brain.
    To conclude a man + woman = complete brain.
    The fact is, noone can live alone,there must be that someone who makes us the wise person to enrich the relationship and develop it to become what we call LOVE.
    Love give us meaning to life and everything with love becomes so balance when managed wisely by the man and supported well by the woman.Its the fact of life..GOD works in amazing ways.
    And expressed these with words from your heart.
    Thank you for making us realised that men like you do exist.

    red Lavender

  2. Hi Red Lavender,

    With your permission, please allow me to post your comment onto tomorrow title. Ok?
