Saturday, February 07, 2009

Be a complete lover to her.

Loving a woman isn't complete, if the man could not make her happy and be satisfied on bed. As a man, you could be patience, tolerance, passionate, affectionate, caring and understanding to the woman you love. But behind the curtain, you are not wild and crazy, and lack the knowledge of sexual art...most likely your love bonding won't be stronger and happier.

I had a chance to learn from various brave ladies who shared the experiences of their sexual behaviour. Of them all, this SYT was the best. She would be more than satisfied if her playmate could make sure, she screams and yells...calling her love while in action...until she has to run away from him...during such time she has to grasp for air..going for the second round, the third round, the forth round and many rounds reaching her orgasms..the peak of sexual excitement.. her strong feeling of pleasure would end with Mmmmmmmm!!!...That would be enough darling.

To love our women, we have to touch her heart but don't forget her emotional excitement too. What Candice Bergen said is true .."I may not be a great actress but I've become the greatest at screen orgasms. Ten seconds of heavy breathing, roll your head from side to side, simulate a slight asthma attack and die a little." -


  1. Hi Robert, we all can learn from that...

    Red Lavender

  2. Hi RL,

    Learning is never ending. The minute we stop to learn, that is when we termed ourselves as old. I am glad you and me are still learning.
