Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The woman who needs the intimate love.

YF has been a great lady selling life insurance for many years. However the last two years was a difficult one, when money and incentives could neither move her. Over a discussion, she came to seek my brotherly advice.

This was what I told her. In selling life insurance effectively, love inwardly and outwardly are needed in our career. Basically love is classified into three levels as written in Buddhism. The first level is the earthly love when we offer our friendly love to those we meet in our day to day's life. In our career we termed this love, as meeting our prospects and clients whom we give the best services from our sincere heart. In this process, one tends to loose a lot of energy because it might be a one way giving, when others might reject your love or attention. The second level of love is from our family, parents, brothers and sisters, who are willing to understand and have concern for you. This is the level when you give love, you would receive love back as well. Nobody in this world could live without love. Others might reject you, but with the support from the family, you could survive again in life. The third level of love is the intimate love, when it involves a man and a woman who are a true loving couple. They give the 100% sincere love to each other without the slightest doubt. The only different between the third against the second and the first level is...the third level of love has the skin to skin contact which bond the lovers closer. The bonding creates positive energy which could overrule all rejections from the outside world. Its a paramount love of all loves in existence.

My good friend YF has only two levels of love, she has the first and the second. YF is a divorcee, a single mother to two growing children and supporting her two aged parents because she is the only daughter to them. Our business is a tiring one, as a lot of attention has to be rendered to our demanding clients. YF is the single breadwinner, who provides all the family financial needs. YF has been giving too much love all these years while selling life insurance, when she does not receive any love in return. She misses the intimate love from a good man to provide her the energy of life. She could be knowledgeable and willing to work, but without the intimate love to soothe her, nothing would drive her to move aggressively. The solution for my friend is...take a bit of time to reach up to an ideal man who should change her entire outlook of live.

Food for the thought - "In real love you want the other person's good. In romantic love, you want the other person." - Margaret Anderson

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