Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How to overcome a quarrel with your love?

Vincent Lee is a good friend whom I have known since he was twenty. I used to teach him all about life when he was younger. Not now any longer because he has grown to be a very understanding man who helps in the church's marriage counselling. By profession he is an auto engineer but he loves to assist those who have broken relationship.

Over a cup of tea, he was proud to claim that out of his twenty years of marriage with his beautiful wife, they had only one heated argument, which they would never forget. I am sure this is going to be one great feat that most people find it difficult to manage, especially those who are in relationship. Of course I had to ask my interesting friend to relate his formula and advice.

According to Vincent, a good relationship comes with 'effective communication', the key factor to understanding of both partners who are in love. Between him and his wife, they had committed to an the event of any issue, argument or quarrel which is definitely unavoidable in any relationship, they promise to solve the differences and problems before the sun rises the next day. Whether is late or tired, they have to sit down to make good the issues. They speak their mind, open their heart, one has to take and the other has to give. With his experiences, many couples who failed to communicate to solve their immediate problems, tend to be judgemental or applying assumption to their conflicts. The further they delay their unsolved matters, leads to many frustration, pain, anger and unhappiness. Eventually jeopardising a good relationship with no possibility of coming back to normal.

What Vincent said was totally right...communicate by talking with each other before the sunrise the next morning. I like to add a little more..don't just talk but make love as well. Must tell little darling, the next time she is angry with me, don't remain silent and disappear but rather make love and talk through our heart together. Agreed?

Food for thought - "The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said." - Peter F. Drucker


  1. My grandmom's advice... never go to bed mad at each other.

  2. She was married to my grandpop for 61 years before she passed away. They were amazing people.

  3. Hi my dear..

    Your grandmom words could not be wrong. Is the picture posted today looks like them?

  4. Yes! They were madly in love with each other and I am sure they still are now that they are both reunited in heaven.

  5. Dear Bro,

    How I wish I can fall in love over and over again with my soul mate.
    Making love is a spiritual way of talking...(also body language).


  6. Hi Sister...

    I fully agreed with your words. We should make more love to our soulmates.
