Sunday, April 05, 2009

She is a girl or woman?

In the generic nouns of these four words; girl, boy, woman and man...they have different application in our daily lives. For instance, the husbands won't mind their accompanying wives to be referred as their women. However not our sweethearts...they are all considered to be our escorting girls. Reason is likes girls. Right? Also, girls perfer man...especially the intelligent and naughty one. No girl would like to date boy who is not mature. On the hand, boys would be loved by their mums who are considered as women.

As far as I am concerned, I am a hero man to my little darling who is always an attractive and intelligent girl to me for life. Whereas I am always a boy to my aged old mother whom I consider as a great woman.

I believe this statement is true - "Girls are so queer you never know what they mean. They say No when they mean Yes, and drive a man out of his wits for the fun of it." - Louisa May Alcott


  1. Hi Bro Robert,

    True, I consider my father a great man because he manage to keep the family happy until now with his investment that he left us.

    I too will follow his way...
    Thank you for reminding..


  2. Hi Sister...

    Good for you. In case I need help...i can come to you.

  3. Hi Sister...

    Good for you. In case I need help...i can come to you.
