Friday, May 01, 2009

I am married but I am still a virgin.

A closed lady agent was approached by one of her female client who needed a hymenotomy correction. Many might have not heard of this medical term. A hymenotomy is a minor medical procedure involving the surgical removal or opening of the hymen. It is done to treat imperforate hymen or other situations where the hymen is unusually thick or rigid. In the case of a person who has a hymen which has no opening, an opening may be created in order to facilitate menstruation. In situations where the opening is small, the individual may elect for hymenotomy to allow for sexual penetration of their vagina. It also can cause pain to insert tampons and such, for instance the tampon will get stuck in the vagina and may take a while to remove.

The woman is married for two years and no sex was done because her hymen is thick. Sexual intercourse was not possible as penetration was painful and difficult. Both husband and wife must be suffering in pain. Their family doctor recommended her to remove her heavy hymen by a surgical correction. She is wondering whether our medical benefits could cater the operation charges!

Wow!! I am in the life insurance business for almost thirty years, this is my first time experiencing such a fantastic medical question. I am sure, our medical insurance covers such needs as no maternity or child birth is involved in the removal of hymen. However before considering any serious hymenotomy, I advised the agent to talk over with her client first. I think surgical is not needed. Perhaps the husband has to be strong and brave to break her hymen physically by himself through a wet juicy penetration with a forceful thrust onto the vagina. The virginity has yet to be broken by the loved one. Sometimes it takes a long time for some couples to learn the art of love & sex.

A virgin thought - "She had already allowed her delectable lover to pluck that flower which, so different from the rose to which it is nevertheless sometimes compared, has not the same faculty of being reborn each spring." - Marquis De Sade


  1. A kind reader who wrote to me...

    have just read your blog for today. How incredibly sad that this couple are in this situation. Hymens can be thick but they rarely need surgical removal. I think the man needs to lovingly but firmly penetrate her, probably from behind so that he has full control and thrust and perhaps spraying the hymen first with an anaesthetic to ease the pain for her. I wonder if the 'problem' isn't so much her intact hymen as the man's attitude of mind; it is unusual for a normal, red-bloodied man to tolerate this situation for so long and in so doing, he has not been kind to her. Perhaps he has another lover? Perhaps he is impotent and scared to admit it? If they truly loved each other they would have wanted to sort this out a great deal sooner. Before any operation is performed, I would want to counsel and question them both individually and as a couple to get to the root issues. Of course, if the marriage isn't consummated it can always be annulled and she can find herself a better man who cares enough to get this problem sorted! This lady deserves to be loved properly. Lovemaking is such an important part of a couples life that this situation tells me something is seriously wrong and I suspect it is more than a medical problem!

  2. Wow - I just might say that this couple must have really enjoyed some oral sex, but god love the man for being with a woman that he couldn't have sex with... That is a MAN!

  3. Hi LMc1381,

    On checking with this couple, they are not happy man & woman. We had provided them with some solutions now.

  4. It actually makes me feel better to know that they are not a happy couple. Sex is truly important in a healthy relationship.

  5. This is no problem at all. I experienced this same too. What you need do is that from the 10th day to the 14th day of her menstruation period the hyphen will be ready to welcome the man in sexual intercourse so make use of this 4 days. And the problem will be over.
    For more details contact:

  6. Hi ayoola,

    Thank you for your recommendation and i will direct your comment to this friend of mine.
