Monday, June 01, 2009

The foolish act of our youngsters.

As i was exercising in the gym today, there came a few youngsters who were also pumping iron together with us. They look like student who were on holiday and i was glad to see such young guys interested in building their physical. From far i was admiring their muscle and strength, when they were actively playing with the weight. However as i was getting closer to them, i saw them having cigarette packets over their sport gears. I was caught by surprise! In our country, all cigarette brands have to imprint on the packet with the gory images with these few words written: "Warning Cigarette Causes Cancer". The words speak everything and yet our young generation isn't bother with the after effect of smoking in the long run.

Judging from these teenagers, they love to have a beautiful external body with muscle and clothing but the least they care is the inner health. While they are trying to develop a stronger body, they are also killing themselves slowly by their heavy smoking. By their action, i wander what actually they really want out of lives. Perhaps this statement is true; "They thought they know, but actually they do not know. Is only when they know that they do not know, then they know they actually do not know". I wish to tell them and yet is so difficult to tell.


  1. I would never smoke if I saw that cigarette pack... eww. America should put those on our packs!

  2. Bro,

    Its an opportunity to sell Life Insurance to them (heeeee)...

    sis RL

  3. Hi my dear,

    I am glad, you and me don't smoke, but we prefer sex more. Right?

  4. HI sister,

    Perhaps much later coz they are still studying. Provided they are still healthy then.

  5. I hope this post will reach those youngster and change them accordingly. Their problem at the end will cause more social problems.

    Well done, Robert.

  6. Hi James Oh,

    You had done your part and i had done mine. I am sure the truth will prevail. Hope to see you more often here.
