Friday, June 26, 2009

Teamwork starts at home

Forgotten to remind those young people who listened to my Teamwork session, Teamwork begins at home. A home comprises a team of two or more family members. The master of the house has to lead the family with a goal. Usually the team leader is the man who initially team up with his female partner. Both have to be cooperatively putting the right effort to love and be loved for each other.

Similarly they need to have the right attitude to keep the love relationship alive. Both of them have to be honest, patience, hardworking, have humility, sense of humour, determination, responsible, listener, pride, empathy, belief, enthusiasm, dedicated and faithful. Without these attributes the relationship would not last long.

Good teamwork of both partners would naturally bring more offsprings to the family. A contended female partner or you call her as wife or mother, helps to raise the children willingly without condition. At the same time, the satisfied and happy team leader or you call him as husband or father, makes a better Star Performer for the company he works. They have all a common goal, to live happily for the rest of their lives together.

If you want to do well successfully on your job or career, make sure your teamwork at home is in order. Otherwise you would not have the peace of mind to contribute to your company. A happy person always has the right attitude for others.

Be dedicated - "The winning team has a dedication. It will have a core of veteran players who set the standards. They will not accept defeat" - Marling Olsen.


  1. Dear Bro,

    Team player is truely the right attitude of a father,mother and children..of course caretaker or housemaid.
    Thank you for reminding us.

    Sis RL

  2. Hi Sis,

    You need team partner as well and i am glad you have found yours.
