Friday, July 31, 2009

Do you have Humility?

Something to ponder??

If you happened to meet two friends, one is rich and successful, and the other is poor... What would you do? You approach the rich one first or the poor first? Be honest and sincere with your answer.

Over a recent gathering, i met several old friends, they were the professionals or business men. Among them sat afar, i saw Ah Kow who dressed in simple attire was alone. He is only a taxi driver, making an honest living, looking tense and uneasy. I smiled to everyone on the floor but walked towards Ah Kow instead. I gave him a warm hand shake, chatted freely with him and later brought him over to the main crowd. With some persuasion and encouragement, everyone was talking freely with him later.

I think the poor needs more attention than the rich. I admire the successful one but i humble and be kind to the needed one. I believe the one who has made it by the hard way in lives would definitely understand what i said, because he has acquired the wisdom of life.

Food for thought - "Humility is the ladder to divine understanding" - Unknown.


  1. Hi RF,
    I am proud of you for putting endless effort in locating your long-lost friend. And this the attitude we should have as an insurance consultant.

    I am in the same industry as yours but in General Insurance. Your blog attracted me and I make it a point to read it daily. I even recommend it to my friends and I find your articles very inspiring, encouraging and humourous at times.
    Thank you RF!

  2. Dear Bro,

    Sometimes to be humble and low down to earth is the way to remind ourselves that we will soon be a nobody when we leave this earth, but at least we leave a part of us in each and every being we have met and whom truely remember us for our humbleness and goodness.

    Sis RL

  3. Hi sis..

    Let me be your humble brother who is lucky to have such understanding sister. You have implanted your love with us. Though we are far apart, my blog will keep you close at heart.

  4. Hi anonymous 31 July,

    Thank you for reading my blog. You make my day.

  5. Greetings! Very helρful аԁvice withіn thiѕ pοѕt!
    It is the little changes that will make the most sіgnifiсant changes.
    Many thankѕ for sharing! tinnitus

  6. Hi Tinnitus,
    Thank you for reading my post.
