Friday, July 17, 2009

The most beautiful thing cannot be seen or touched.

Today is Mazuki's birthday. We met over a morning chat sipping our favorite coffee at our regular mamak shop. Upon seeing him, i gave this great friend a warm tight hug, plus wishing him a happy birthday.

This was what i spoke, "Mazuki, i brought you a special gift. The most beautiful thing in the world cannot be seen, neither can be touched. It could only be felt in our heart. Today i brought you my friendship, which i could feel deeply in my heart. Our friendship of twenty years, the bonding of understanding, trust, respect, admiration, patience, tolerance, caring and unlimited of sharing. The good and bad time we were together, and the laughter and excitement we had. Yes! I want to tell you, you have been a great friend and its really a miracle we had met. Thank you for being such wonderful friend. Happy birthday Mazuki."

Mazuki was overjoyed with emotion. He said, "Yes! Robert, you have given me the most beautiful gift because i can feel your sincerity and warm in my heart. I feel so nice and happy with it. Thank you so much. You have already make my day."

Food for thought - "Happiness radiates like the fragrance from a flower, and draws all good things toward you. Allow your love to nourish yourself as well as others. Do not strain after the needs of life. It is sufficient to be quietly alert and aware of them. In this way life proceeds more naturally and effortlessly. Life is here to Enjoy!" - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.


  1. This is beautiful, Robert. You are indeed a very precious friend for anyone to have. It is a rare man that understands how important and special the non-material aspects of life are. Mazuki is blessed to have you as a am I xx

  2. Hi my dear,

    Thank you for sending this most beautiful comment to me. It really can be felt and you make my day again. I am floating on cloud nine.

  3. Hi my dear,

    Thank you for sending this most beautiful comment to me. It really can be felt and you make my day again. I am floating on cloud nine.

  4. Hi bro,

    Be sure you are floating with parachute ok,so you can gracefully land on ground, we all care about you heeee...have a nice day


  5. “The first thing is to
    linger on cloud nine for a

    - Kathleen Murray


  6. Hi Sister,

    In case my parachute does not open, please tell little darling and all my great friends, including you...I love all of you so much. Happy journey home sis.

  7. Hi my dear Kathleen,

    It would be nice if you could join me on cloud nine while i linger longer here.

  8. Kathleen Murray was an American novelist who has been dead for almost a century now - I think she would make your cloud a not very nice place to be. I, on the other hand, would be love to linger and float to faraway places with you...xx

  9. Hi my dear...

    Are you aware Kathleen Murray has a grand beautiful daughter who is also called as Kathleen?

    Really! U like to linger and float with me on cloud nine. Promise! OK. Would see you there tonite.
