Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What is single-minded?

Selling Tips.

Ah Fei is one of my fellow colleague. He is intelligent, pretty smart, interesting, adventurous, plenty of humour and creative. With all these qualities, he could have been excelling in his business. However he lacks hard work and determination because he isn't well focus or single minded on his career. As a bachelor, he is still looking for his ideal love partner. Indecisive he has been courting many ladies and yet not able to conclude his taste and want. Each time a sexy lady comes his way, he would be distracted. The female charm might take his mind away from his work and responsibility. For Ah Fei, the posting at the above tells what you are at the moment. Unless you are focus, you will never get what you want in lives. Be it the woman or career you are interested! That applies to everyone, including myself as well.

I learn in lives - "No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated and disciplined."

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