Tuesday, August 18, 2009

At 72 he still needs love too to stay alive.

YS is a retired widower, aged 72 years young. Since his wife passed away seven years ago, he was living a very quiet live by himself. He had a bypass six year ago and currently is suffering from Parkinson's disease. Though he is restricted in many ways, slow in movement and action, he could still put on a beautiful smile whenever i met him. He still keeps his old car and drive out to the town. He spoke with pride and always full of enthusiasm, and never allowed his handicap to deter his living. I was puzzled at first where he got all his energies, until i was introduced to his girlfriend, Jenny whom she has known for more than a year.

See! Nothing works until the charming lady came to touch his heart and soul. Jenny is twenty years younger, a divorcee for more than twenty years too, finds that YS is a gentleman who is caring and wise. Everyday they both communicate on the hand phone and they would meet during the weekend when Jenny needs not work. Last Saturday they drove off to the beach to experience the intimacy of the evening and night together the first time. YS gave his gentle and fatherly advices and Jenny spurred him with her feminine charm. Before leaving for the trip, YS promised he would try his level best to regain his manhood and to satisfy the woman who had missed the forbidden apple for so long in her lives. To make sure he could succeed, he had bought four blue diamond shaped pills, namely VIAGRA from his usual pharmacist. He believed these magical pills plus the true love from his partner would definitely bring joy and hope to them. I wish them best of luck here.

Moral of my story; No person on earth could live alone happily. Man and woman need each other. Love & romance motivates the younger couples to do well in career and to the older ones, they need love as well to keep them alive.

Food for the heart - "The more connections you and your lover make, not just between your bodies, but between your minds, your hearts, and your souls, the more you will strengthen the fabric of your relationship, and the more real moments you will experience together." - Barbara De Angelis.


  1. Hi Bro,

    I have many friends reaching to 55yrs and I would bring your wisdom to their attention, life has just began for them to start giving like you had...isn't it sweet...


  2. Hi sister,

    Those old days, they said...lives begin only at forty one of age. Today...lives start at sixty one. Sis you still have a long way to go. To me..you are only a child. Right?
