Wednesday, August 12, 2009

To save a broken heart.

Are you in love at the moment? If you are, i feel happy for you. There are many broken loves which often happen, due to many causes. Some are intentional, whereas some could be unintentional. In order to save those who might be facing some unforeseen problems on love & romance, i like to share a bit of my personal experience and observation.

No Attention. All loves begin with full attention and attention needs effort and time. Without attention, no man and woman could fall in love. To fall in love is easy but to maintain falling in love for a longer period is extremely hard. Once the attention towards the other partner is decreasing, suspicious and doubts could creep into their mind. If both partners could stay on track for a least more than two years with increasing attention for each other, i guess they have a better chance to be together.

Finance. To be in love, money is the prime mover. Whereas the Chinese has a wrong proverb which said 'Romance can be survived by merely drinking water". No ladies would be happy if their men are penniless or stingy. You don't expect the women to be paying the bills all the time. Right?

Communication. All issues and problems could be solved if only effective communication is there. Most couples have misunderstanding because they are not prepared to spend more time to talk and discuss. Example...the lady is admired by other men or the man is attracted by many other women, unless the couple is willing to communicate openly and truthfully, jealousy and unhappiness might occurred.

No sex. Too much sex is good, but once without sex within a couple, doubts and suspicious would appear again. Sex is bonding for each other. Sex creates the sense of needing each other. NO sex from one partner is a big problem.

Peer Pressure. These could be expectation from within and outside environment. Your partner has high hope and value on you, which you might not be able to fulfill. Or the parents from either side are not agreeable to your status, race, position, religion and education.

The above five common issues effect and influence love & romance most of the time. Unless you are aware and understand the way of lives as how sensitive humans are, you might be the next target of a broken relationship. These information were gathered from this special dear i talked to today. Thank you for sharing your best moment of time with me, i had learned tremendously from you. You will always be my special dear no matter what happen.

Food for the heart - "What I needed most was to love and to be loved, eager to be caught. Happily I wrapped those painful bonds around me; and sure enough, I would be lashed with the red-hot pokers or jealousy, by suspicions and fear, by burst of anger and quarrels." - St. Augustine


  1. Dear Bro,
    Once all these are reducing...then the love will be doubtful...

  2. Hi sister...

    Read tomorrow might be even more confused.

  3. Got thru you blog while searching a solution for my prob.

    Please help to advice a solution for getting back my love probably via your blog.... A guy whom i loved so much, due to our small arguments tat cause our break up, ive tried maximumly to convince him but still im not getting thru.

  4. Hi my dear Anonymous 2June,

    Forgive and forget is the best way to treat another person, especially to our loved one.

    If you could forgive him, then you are great. But if he could not forgive you, even you had attempted to convince him, I think he is a very immature man with a small heart. More so your conflicts are due to small arguments.

    I think you should move on with your life and see whether you could meet another gentleman who is more forgiving.

    Thank you for visiting my blog.

  5. Hello sir,

    Thx alot for the advice, i would probably continuing to convince him with the hope that he would come back to me, probably it takes time for a guy i guess, they are still in anger, so time would heal it.

  6. Hi Dear Anonymous,

    Love is patient.
    Love is kind.
    It doesn't envy, it doesn't boast, it is not proud, it is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
    love doesn't delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
    It always hopes, always perseveres.
    My dear... Love never fails.
