Monday, August 24, 2009

Winning loves & sales, apply 90:10 formula

Selling Tips....

Winning a girl's heart and gaining a sale, apply the 90:10 formula. What is the 90 against 10?

To court a lady you love, you have to know what she likes and doesn't like. What are her favorite food, games, interests, hobbies, movies, colours, etc? Understand her mood and character. Able to adjust and accommodate her behaviour. Willing to entertain, help, assist and make her happy at all time. The '90' is the attention given to her, whereas the '10' is what you have to impress her.

Selling, especially selling life insurance works the same principle. To win over a client, you have to understand everything all about your client. Is he married, single, widower or perhaps he is a gay. Every status of a person is different, a married person has different obligation, and a gay has different scope of lives. You could identify their needs and wants, you could view their happiness or sadness, and accept what they are. Some are hot temper, arrogance, fearful, timid and unfriendly, but you have the skill to adapt and appease all types of character. You give your '90' fullest attention to understand them, while selling the '10' of yourself, products and services only.

My 90:10 works pretty well in my forty years of selling, including chasing for love and romance.

Please try! It works!

I apply this statement too -"By concentrating single-mindedly on your most important task, you can reduce the time required to complete it by 50 percent or more" - Brian Tracy


  1. Hello Bro,

    I found out that the "90" is real hard work, but it pays off end of the day.


  2. Hi sis...

    The "90"...including knowing us in KL... Right?
