Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It was a joyful feeling.

How truly is this statement, "The best & most important things in the world cannot be seen and even touched. They must be felt with our heart".

Smith, a journalist was on an oversea trip with the CEO of AirAsia Airline. The flight was a compliment from this big boss. Before the flight, Smith had to complete a form with a key question. In case of an emergency, who is the next of kin to be contacted. He wrote Robert Foo. Out of curiosity the big boss asked who Robert Foo is. He promptly explained and introduced that Robert is his personal life insurance agent. He did not name any of his family members. The big boss said he had done the right thing, because the most suitable person to handle an emergency, especially death or an accident case, is a committed and a professional life insurance agent. He knows the right procedures and steps to make things easier for the survivors to live. According to the big boss of this airline, he had never seen any passenger mentioning or stating their agents as the next of kin in their flight records. He believes Robert Foo must be a special agent who has earned the trust and confidence from this friend here. Wow! That was nice to hear.

At the same time, Smith took out from his wallet, a special name card with these few words imprinted; "IN CASE OF EMERGENCY contact Robert Foo." He never fails to carry this card whenever he goes out, and i was the one who gave it to him. I am glad he had taken my advices and i felt wonderful to be admired and accepted as a trusted life insurance agent.


  1. Hi Robert,
    You are indeed a wonderful man. You have successfully earned the trust and respect of many people around you, and you have mine too.
    Keep going younger, Robert!

  2. Hi Wan,

    Thank you for such encouraging compliment.

    David Cottrell said ...Building understanding, support and acceptance begins with earning trust.

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