Friday, November 06, 2009

What is a good friend?

While walking into Hanafiah's office this morning, he introduced me to one of his associates. "This is Robert Foo, my good friend."

To make the conversation interesting and meaningful, i threw them this question. "What is the different between a friend and a good friend?" They stared with puzzle at each other!! Knowing they were not sure I asked the permission to explain.

A good friend is one who will not be afraid to say you are wrong. Mere friends would always say you are right, no matter whether is right or wrong. It takes a lot of guts and frankness to tell the truth, especially the bad part of another friend. A good friend would try to correct, change, support and assist willingly without expectation from the other parties. Hanafiah is a great guy who is successful in his business but when he misbehaves, i will not be afraid to tell him directly on his face. Because of my sincerity and courage, we have been good friends for more than fifteen years. So the next time, a friend tells you are at wrong, mark my words that particular person is your good friend.

Nice Friendship Quote : "A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked." -- Bernard Meltzer.


  1. thanks, yes you are my good friend

  2. Hi Hanafiah,

    Is great to be a special friend to you and i strongly believe you will do extremely well in life. Your face tells me that.
