Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Do u really need to set sales target in selling life insurance?

Selling tips...

In our life insurance industry, all insurance companies would definitely project and forecast their total sales for every year. They derive their possible targets from their agency forces. The more agencies and more agents they have, the higher their production would be. Within the agencies, the managers concern would also insist on their agents to commit to certain figures which have to be greater than their last years achievement.

Today i was asked by one pretty productive agent what is my target sales for 2010. I told her, in my 28 years in selling life insurance, i had never made any forecast achievable. She was stunned! How could it be possible when i had been qualifying The Million Dollars Round Table repeatedly, and yet didn't set target on those sales.

This was my explanation. My mission to sell life insurance is to save lives. My job was to see as many people as possible, especially those early years in this career. In fact, i wasn't selling but rather i was preaching and spreading the word of love. If you love someone, life insurance is the best gift for the loved one. I was touching lives and making them understood the benefits of this miracle product of love. My dreams and desires were to insure as many families, children, mothers and fathers. Though i had not targeted sales as value but i was aiming the number of cases i should be closing. In my early years in this career, i was seeing as many as 50 people a week. My tasks were to befriend and made them like me. Selling wasn't in my mind, until i knew they were very comfortable with my presence. I was closing an average of two cases per week. I did not treat the cases as sales but rather i had found two new families to be my friends. The size of the cases were not important, neither did the small premium bother me. I just love to meet and assist as many people who gave me the chances. I am glad today, i have hundred of families who are my best friends and buddies. This career is no longer a work to me anymore, because i have turned it to be my life long hobby to keep. My mission is make people happy and succeeding in life. In return, this hobby pays me well with unexpected sales which i never have projected in the first place.

How true if you could believe his words - "You can have everything in life that you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want" - Zig Ziglar - Life - Philanthropy.

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