Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Enjoy your work and U will succeed.

Many of my friends are planning for holidays during the coming Chinese New Year. I asked them, are they happier now or only when they have reached their destination they would be happy. All of them said they would be much happier when the holiday begins during the New Year.

This relates Happiness first or Success comes first. As far as i am concerned, i take happiness comes first in my life. I have one month before i leave for Shanghai, and every minute of my countdown i enjoy myself at the moment. The planning of the trip makes me excited, arranging the ticket for the flight is interesting, arranging the heavy clothing for the winter there is something different, buying those gifts and toys for my grand children is a pleasure, checking those things i need to do when i am there makes me ponder with joy, and many many little tasks before the take off have already thrilled me so much. In fact i considered my holiday has already started and i am having fun all the way until i reach Shanghai next month.

Selling is the same. I can't imagine those who said Success first and Happiness later, would they actually enjoy selling. I spoke to one of my closed associate who wondered why i got so excited with the beginning of this month. I told her i have already got the big sales in mind though i have not got them in hand. On record i do not have the sales yet but the thought of meeting many interesting and potential prospects makes me happy. I know these prospects and clients would be excited as well when they meet me soon because i have the fullest confidence they would enjoy and feel great knowing me. I am too eager to meet them as they allow me to talk and share my mind, after all talking is in my blood. Whether they buy or don't, as long as they give the attention to me and laugh the heart while listening, i will be the happiest man on earth. I have been doing this for the past forty year selling happily. Or should i say, i enjoy every moment of my selling without bothering whether i could close the sale. This is what i called Happiness first and Success comes at the same time.

To this colleague of my mine from Penang TC Cheng who sent me a short message while i was writing this title, "The Problem of human is..they are not daring to face the truth." Unless you understand what i wrote, you would always dare not face the truth for sure. Hope to see you in Genting today.

Albert Schweitzer said - "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful."


  1. Hi anonymous,

    May your New Year be as crazy and naughty as mine.

  2. Robert

    I once mentioned to people in my office that "love your job and you never had to work another day". I guess this should hold true for somebody like you. I love my job but the nature of the job is such that I have to work every days too.....too bad. Not all of us have all our cakes and get to eat it all.

  3. Robert

    I once mentioned to people in my office that "love your job and you never had to work another day". I guess this should hold true for somebody like you. I love my job but the nature of the job is such that I have to work every days too.....too bad. Not all of us have all our cakes and get to eat it all.

  4. Hi Cheng Hock,

    Loving your job isn't enough, smart enough to have fun out of the job is even more important.

    I have been selling since i was twenty, i enoyed every moment of it because i make my job fun and interesting. Today selling life insurance no longer a job to me...its my hobby now.

    Thank you for sharing your heart here young man.

  5. Thanks Robert,
    I have question and something to share with u...Its about my job now.. For ur info, this month 1st anniversary im work in this office.. But i don't know what i fell.. sometimes i fell enjoy with my work but sometimes not enjoy my work.. I try to love my job and make it something interesting.. but its not work.. hmmm could u suggest me how to solved it??

  6. Hi anonymous 21 Jan,

    Not knowing who u are, it might not be easy for me to excess your problems.

    Anyway I would advise you with two pointers. First you have to be honest. Ask what you like most and pick a job which is related to your liking. Second, be willing to give more than you should be receiving.

    If you could fulfill the above suggestion, magic would happen beyond your imagination in your work and daily life.

    I wish you luck. Thank you for reading my blog.
