Monday, January 18, 2010

The many roles of a life insurance agent.

What are the roles of a life insurance agent?

Besides providing protection and financial advices, i could name you some...
1. I am a good friend to all my clients.
2. An inspirator and motivator.
3. A patience listener.
4. A counsellor.
5. A match maker.
6. A parent to all children.
7. A platform speaker who willing to share for free.
8. A half doctor.
9. A preacher.
10. A faith healer.
11. An entertainer.
12. A teacher.
13. An energy giver.
14. A darling.
15. A story teller.
16. A legal advisor.
17. A marriage counsellor.
18. A network provider.
19. A business advisor.
20. A goal setter.
21. A feng shui master.
22. A numerical advisor.
23. A palm reader.
24. A graphologist.. handwriting reading.
25. A physiognomist.. facial studies.
26. A heart giver.
27. An Angel.
28. A philanthropist.
29. A wisdom provider.
30. A blogger.

Not easy to be a good life insurance agent..right? Thanks God for blessing me to be One.

"Work is love made visible" —Kahlil Gibran

About 80% of people are unhappy at work, and 20% are happy. Our culture has separated work from passion, and taught us to prefer a higher paycheck to higher happiness. That mistake costs us our souls. The goal of career development is to uncover one's gifts and passions, and to link them to the practical needs of the world. We call that "being in the right place," "finding a good fit," or "making the best use of one's talents."


  1. Good brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you for your information.

  2. HI anonymous,

    Mind! You are only a college student and you understood the 30 points. You must be intelligence and smart. Thank you for reading my blog.
