Thursday, January 07, 2010

A wonderful feeling i had.

Photo: Brandon with his younger sister

I had a good chat over Skype with my eldest grandson, Brandon who is residing in Shanghai with his parents. I hadn't seen them for quite a long time, and i am planning to celebrate this coming Chinese New Year with them in China. In fact at the moment Shanghai is facing severe cold and snowing heavily. Two years ago when i was there, i felt sick because of the cold temperature. I told Brandon that i am a bit worry if the weather isn't going to improve when i turn up next month. Jokingly i asked the small boy of eleven whether he could seek God's help.

This morning i received a cc message from him, when he directed a mail under 'My Wish' to . Would like to share his wish for all to read...
"Plz god, plz make it 20 degrees in Shanghai on the 10 of February to 10 of March for my YaYa when he comes. Thank You GOD."

I was so touched. Immediately i too wrote to heaven at gmail...

"Heavenly Father...
I am sure God, you had received a touching message from my caring grandson, Brandon who seek your assistance. Please grant him his wish because he loves his YaYa so much. He knows this YaYa is always afraid of extreme cold. I have not seen him for quite awhile and i am sure this holiday in Shanghai would be a happy and exciting one for both of us together. Thank you God for blessing me with such a sweet and wonderful grandson. I love him so much.
From The young YaYa."

How true - "The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched. It can only be felt."


  1. Good Morning Robert,
    Your grandson, Brandon is fantastic...
    His lovely thought for you (at the age of 11) is truly remarkable.
    Wish you have a wonderful reunion with your family this coming CNY.

    Best regards,

  2. Hi Wan..

    I am glad you read this page. I am sure one day you will have many grand children too to feel proud with. I wish you A Happy Chinese New Year.

  3. Hi I am Brandon Foo Fang How. My YaYa is so nice for making this page about me. I really hope that evrybody in the world to send and say plz make it 20 degrees in shanghai from the 10 of february to the 10 of march for a young yaya who loves his eldest grandson alot.

  4. 20 degrees F or C?

  5. The anonymous is Debbie Wong by the way.

  6. Hi my dear Brandon,

    I love you and you are very important to me in my life.

  7. Hi Debbie my dear,

    20 c would be nice for me.

  8. By the power of all the almighty above, we will grant Robert Foo a comfortable weather and definitely a pleasant stay in Shanghai.

    Brandon is so sweet and caring. I m sure your grand daddy will pamper you when he comes next month.

    Alvin (Brandon's dad)

  9. Hi son,

    Make sure Brandon is as crazy and wild as this young YaYa.

    With all your warm, Shanghai isn't cold for me anymore. See you soon and very soon.
