Wednesday, January 20, 2010

You are beautiful & wonderful.

Kabeer my good friend is a well read person who is in the publishing business for more than three decades. A wise man who is most highly recognised by his community. While discussing the beauty of woman, this was his wisdom remark.. No woman is beautiful unless appreciated by men around her.

It's true! No matter how good and sincere you think you are, unless you are recognised by others. You might assume you are kind and humble, but nobody receive your gesture to relate to you. You try to be likable and lovable but everyone is moving away from you. Thinking right isn't be good enough unless others are telling you are right. The best energy and auras one could gain are when others are praying for you because you have done good for them. Their prayers and well wishes allow more blessings to be bestowed in a mystical way to the one who has the true heart to give willingly. So are you beautiful with a warm heart?

Food for thought - “Count your blessings. Once you realize how valuable you are and how much you have going for you, the smiles will return, the sun will break out, the music will play, and you will finally be able to move forward the life that God intended for you with grace, strength, courage, and confidence.” - Og Mandino quotes.


  1. Dear Robert,

    Totally Agree for wat uncle Kabeer said. Others should actually recognise us rather then we kept thinking we are nice and humble.

  2. Dear Robert,

    Totally Agree for wat uncle Kabeer said. Others should actually recognise us rather then we kept thinking we are nice and humble.

  3. Hi my dear Kadija,

    I want to tell have a beautiful heart.

  4. Dear Robert.

    THanks alot!!! I wish to be dat in every1's heart.
