Saturday, February 13, 2010

Chinese New Year Reunion Dinner in Shanghai.

The last i came to Shanghai was three years ago. Nothing much has changed, except surfing the net is much more difficult. To excess the international sites, i have to bypass various parties. Definitely i can't blog into my own blog directly without logging on to a proxy. Is slow and boring, comparing surfing at home. Now i appreciate more of what we could have back in Malaysia. However nothing is going to deter me from blogging!

The one thing i don't like here in Shanghai at this moment is the cold. Though is the tail end of winter, is still cold at freezing point. And i am always afraid of cold. The best place to hide myself is to tug into the electric blanket where heat is the strongest. In here i wonder, is cold a best place to make love or warm and hot a better place to get wilder. I think is warm because the last two early mornings, my little brother almost disappeared for he is so afraid of the cold as well. Not in KL where all my morning calls were awakened by him. If you do not know what i mean, then i think you are a nut!

Tonite is the eve of our Chinese New Year when all Chinese families will be having our reunion dinners. Be they afar or near, we have to come home in time to celebrate this meaningful dinner. I am equally anxious to looking forward to this dinner too. I am sure Fionna is a good cook who has the chance to show her cooking skill.

A little dear asked me this morning, what is the best advice for the children during the reunion dinner. My advice which i learned from the elders when i was a kid is...For a family to be rich and wealthy, let the woman of the house keeps his money, the chances is the man won't spend them all. If the man holds his cash, he might not be able to manage it well.

I think is true! In my selling of life insurance, i see three types of family who manage their finance. The first type is.. what the man has, it belongs to him and hers. The second type...what is his is his and what is hers is hers. And the third type.. what is his is hers and what is hers remains to be hers at all times. For your information, the first type is the one who is wealthy and successful. The second type is the one who is the poorest and the third leads to an unhappy family because the man is never a happy person.

The Chinese Proverb - "Unsullied poverty is always happy, while impure wealth brings with it many sorrows."

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