Friday, March 12, 2010

The art of meeting people.

Selling tips...

Is 'drinking & smoking' the fastest way to connect into the business circle? Talking to most younger people, they said yes. According to them clubbing is the fast way to net work yourself. Socializing in the night by drinking helps to build relationship with their clients and friends. Whether is true or not, i think it's debatable and depending on the individual liking.

I am not a drinker and i dislike smoking, and yet i have been selling for the past 40 years without having to entertain my clients and associates by such habits. Give me a prospect or someone i haven't met before, with my heart and mind, i am sure to make him like me instantly. A sincere heart plus a creative mind are my tools to connect to people. I don't need the cigarette to start a conversation, neither do i need a glass of beer to cheer a soul. Just allow me a short moment, my soothing smiles would open your eyes, my senses could see through your heart to feel whether you are happy, my words come with wisdom to enlighten and strengthen your mind, my humour would make you laugh until you won't forget me and before i leave i would make sure my name is implanted in one corner of your heart.

Yes! I don't need the drink and cigarette to build relationship with others when one has the sincerity to meet another person. What about you?

Food for thought - “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.” - William A. Foster quotes

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