Monday, March 08, 2010

Two love birds that talk & listen.

There is a proverb which says "One who loves to talk and one who likes to listen keeps a lasting relationship."

Faat and his wife, is a loving couple i have known for 25 years. Since they had shifted home without me knowing, i had not seen them for the last 17 years. By chances, i got to meet them again when the husband called on phone to my company for some enquiries. Immediately i visited this family last week for a reunion. Upon meeting these friends with joy and happiness, i could see the man has grown to be wiser and the lady is still young and beautiful. He is 60 and the sweet wife is 55.

Faat and wife have been married for 39 years. They have six children and 12 grand children. From their faces, i could see they are still so much in love. While talking to me in their comfortable home, they were not shy to hold their hands together most of the time. They spoke with laughter and had much to share.

One of the question i asked, how did you both keep the marriage so exciting and interesting. The lady openly said, my husband never failed to make me laughed with jokes almost everyday. We slept only at 4 in the morning last nite because we were talking endlessly on bed, and his stories and jokes kept me listening without falling asleep. I was amazed! They are married for 39 years and are still going strong in love & romance. See! The above quoted proverb is true and worked marvellously. He talks and she listens whole heartily.

Yes! Faat & wife have certainly demonstated well in this thought - "The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.” - Morrie Schwartz quotes

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