Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dad! Why mum is smarter?

A little boy asked his father. Dad, why is mum smarter than you? She gets up earlier than you, makes breakfast for us everyday, sends me to school before she goes to work, goes to the supermarket to buy our food if necessary, prepares our yummy dinner before you return dad, she has to serve you coffee while you watch the late nite TV, and she is always the last to sleep.

The father was caught with such surprised question from his son. He had to answer to the awaiting child. Yes son! Mum is smart. Dad had been intelligence enough to pick your smart mother to marry me. Otherwise she won't be here to love and care for you and making life comfortable for both of us now. Son! If you grow up, make sure you have to be as intelligence as dad to pick and marry a smart wife like your mother. Then your future would be wonderful and joyful as ever. The son nodded his head to show he understood.

This incidence happened while we were in a client's home. I was amazed the little child could feel the important of his mum, and the dad was clever to respond to the inquisitive son. To my reader who is reading this story now...Who is smart and who is intelligent? The child, mother or the father? You have to tell us please!!!

To those great mothers out there - "A boy's best friend is his mother" - Joseph Stefano.

"A little girl, asked where her home was, replied, "where mother is" - Keith L. Brooks

"A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest" - Irish Proverb.


  1. dis story is realy nice..i've read sumting lyk dis this before in sunday star few years bek:p
    it shows mothers are always the best

  2. Hi Renuka,

    And i got this story while selling life insurance. You are also right. Without mothers the world will not survive for sure.
