Wednesday, April 21, 2010


"It is the art of living, the purpose of our Existence. Happiness is the true index of quality Of life. Without happiness, life is dry and Meaningless. With happiness, life immediately Becomes fulfilling and wonderful. Happiness is An infectious feeling that immediately lifts the Sagging spirits of people. Happy people keep Themselves happy because they know the little Ways to appreciate themselves and to see the Humour and magic in each moment." ~unknown~

I am happy to blog willingly everyday, to share and amuse all my readers. Of course i will be even more happier, if someone out there who could spare some thought and time to offer a sincere comment and compliment to spur and inspire me. Unless you know the real meaning of Happiness, you won't be bothered to pen a few words for me. The above powerful proverb speaks it all.


  1. 'Happiness is An infectious feeling that immediately lifts the Sagging spirits of people.'
    it motivates people, too..
    u amuse all your readers...i read your blog everyday..and sometimes i would wonder why dont you share more than one "wisdom" :0

  2. Hi Renuka,

    You do really lift my spirit with your compliment. I am just like you, a person with feeling and emotion. Thank you so much for constantly reading my blog.

    Writing everyday isn't an easy task. I write on matters pertaining to my days' observation and thought. By the time i finished my chores in the house, not forgetting to plan for the next day appointments and assignments, it would be almost 12 in the nite. When i am tired, inspiration won't be there to write. The more i have support from readers like you, the more encouragement i would gather.

    Your words tell me you are a happy person with a sincere heart. I am too pleased to have friend like you. Thanks once again.

  3. everyone are equally same...the difference is that we don't really observe things that happening to us, but you do, and when reading your blog, i would think that i had been through the same thing.. you know how to cherish even a small 'thoughts'..i believe that's the key that makes you happy everyday.. thank you very much!

  4. Hi Robert,

    Wonderfully described. I too agree on your point.

    I just wanted to share my exp here:

    Recently i had a chat with my friend, he said he was worried about the poor and it was very cruel to be in peace when others were suffering. Though I told him only worry never saved anyone, rather one should do as much as then can and be in peace & happiness, but he gave one sarcastic comment and went offline..

    Well he choose to be worried (though he has no plan to execute to solve the problem) instead of doing what ever he can and be in peace. See?

    The door of happiness always open for us, but how many can actually see and accept it? The choice is always ours, ignore or accept it.

