Friday, May 21, 2010

Never sell to an uncomfortable prospect.

Selling tips...

A closed lady colleague once asked me this question; "How to encounter a bitchy client who is stingy, selfish, unpunctual, irresponsible, boastful, calculative and always criticise of others? BUT she has money!"

Is simple! I let another agent to have her. In order for me to maintain a fruitful and beautiful selling career, I rather pick prospects who might earn less but have a sincere respect for another human being. I consider myself lucky to have good clientele who admire and appreciate my services rendered. Because I pick and select all my prospects first. The important criteria is...both client and agent must be comfortable with each other first before making the sales. Never judge the potential of the sales in term of value or size. Rather assess the behaviour and manner of the buyers. Please keep this as the golden rule of selling because it will help you to enjoy this career for life.

Food for thought - "If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you'll achieve the same results." - Tony Robbins Quotes

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