Thursday, June 10, 2010

Does your man makes you happy?

Specially to all ladies who are in love...

My little darling was asked this question, "Does your handsome hero makes you happy?" There was a long pause. Everyone was wondering why she could not answer this simple question! Is she really not happy?

The silence was broken. She spoke aloud, "No he didn't make me happy. I make myself happy." All her friends were astonished and surprised. They thought her hero was a fantastic gentleman.

She continued to elaborate further. I am happy because I have a soul mate who is loving, understanding, kind, humble, caring, humorous, fun, intelligence, generous, forgiving and willing to stand by me all the time. Under all circumstances and environment, I am happy because he is my hero. He loves me without condition laid, he loves me whole heartily and this is enough to make me happy in life. Happiness is in the mind. Its up to our emotional thought and feeling. I pick the choice to be happy rather than to be sad. Even when we are sick, we could still be happy. I would be going for a long trip soon. Though he isn't around me when I would be missing him, the thinking of him would eventually make me happy too. Yes! I am happy because of him.

Wow! What a lucky young man I am? I am so proud little darling understands the wisdom of happiness. For those ladies out there...Are you happy yourself or you want your loves to make you happy? The choice is yours.

Food for thought - "The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet" ~ James Openheim.

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