Friday, June 25, 2010

Staying in love is tough.

They always said, to fall in love is easy but to stay in love is so tough. Can this happen to you? YOU! I mean YOU, the one who is reading this title at this moment.

In any romance, at the beginning when you were trying to falling in love to whoever the lucky person was, you treated that particular person special. The words you used were perfect and sweet, your smiles were like honey, you would never say 'NO' to this person, you always be punctual, you didn't mind the wrongs, you could bear with all nonsenses, you were supportive, you think highly of this individual, you won't get angry and upset, you accept all the wrong doings, every minute spent was so happy and exciting, you offered encouragement and motivation, your expression was soft and gentle, you forgave easily and you took that soul as important.

So sad! After falling in love and now trying to stay in love was entirely a difference picture. Words spoken were harsh and sometimes could be hurting. The 'YESes' become lesser and approaches tend to be more defensive. Not punctual but the partner has to be punctual. Every single mistake make could be identified easily. Criticise and condemn on small little issues. Get angry and upset quite often openly. No wrong doing could be forgiven. Encouragement and motivation were the past. Yelling and shouting are common affairs. That individual might no longer as important as before.

If you are one reader who is facing this problem, is high time you have to take heal. Falling in love is easy but trying to stay in love is always difficult. I think the best way to stay in love successfully is to keep reminding ourselves that we have to put extra effort to love our partner. Don't ever take him or her for granted. See the goodness of each other more, rather than catching each other mistakes and errors.

I am writing this subject because i too want to remind myself that i ought to be a good and effective lover as well. Nobody is perfect, including myself.

To the lady i love - "Love is a game that two can play and both win" ~Eva Gabor


  1. Hi bro,

    What a relaxing article to read after a long friday sustain being in love is not just something you do once off. Its a habit of sincerity,honesty and compromise...etc...I am in a no ending agenda of creating my love life so endlessly fun and full of memories....there are times when we are with no words left to say...yet something always comes up that breaks that silence.

  2. Hi bro,

    What a relaxing article to read after a long friday sustain being in love is not just something you do once off. Its a habit of sincerity,honesty and compromise...etc...I am in a no ending agenda of creating my love life so endlessly fun and full of memories....there are times when we are with no words left to say...yet something always comes up that breaks that silence.

  3. Hi sis,

    The older we are, the better lover we are as well because we understand life more. Teachers of our mistakes had taught us to be more tolerance in our lives. Ching Ai is a good guru to you.
