Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Something seems a bit "off"

So sad...
There was a little quarrel between two love partners. They refused to give way to each other and were at loggerhead on confrontation. One demanded for a reason, while the other was angry but refused to explain the anger and frustration.

He called her many times but she didn't pick those calls. After awhile, he felt lonely and got sick. He had to borrow someone's else shoulder.

So when life gets you down, this can happen...

Angry and upset over at her place. Pride deters her to speak with her love either. She spoke to herself, when i had a chance to meet him again, i would squeeze and sit over him like the cat above.

Are you into some kind of weird tug of war? Yes! I am because someone close isn't talking to me and i hope that person who sees these pictures would smile again. Please don't be angry lah!

Something for all of us to learn - When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.” - Catherine Ponder quotes


  1. I hope the person would forgive you as soon as possible..:-)

  2. Hi Anonymous,

    Is a test whether that person has a forgiving heart now. Will keep u inform & thanks for your concern whoever you are.

  3. Dear Robert

    I think i know who she is...hehehehe

  4. Hi Anonymous,

    Please tell this person not to be upset and request to call me soonest. Pls....
