Wednesday, August 04, 2010

The Beginning Of Logic

Raheleh is one of my great lady friend. She is talented, attractive and full of laughter all the time. Each time i visited her office, she and all her female colleagues love talking with me. One day Raheleh asked me, what type of friendship glue and charm do i have that makes all ladies admire and adore my presence. That was a good question! I told her, i am only a simple man who has a genuine heart, full of sincerity, patience, humble, kind, fun, humorous and plenty of wisdom to share.

She said i am different because most men still practise the old fashion way. I really didn't understand what she was saying, until yesterday she sent me this cartoon which demonstrated the meaning of her thought. The Chinese proverb says.."One picture is better than a thousand words.
Raheleh...I know you're smiling! And i hope everyone is also smiling too with your cartoon.


  1. is that ms homaie? she looks great in the pic...just wodering whether it is her or not..thx

  2. HI anonymous,

    Please ask her. Thank you for reading my blog.
