Monday, August 02, 2010

The Malaysian darn devil drivers

Malaysian Road Divider is Stronger than the Malaysian Car!!!!! Yes, these were seen on our local scenes most of the the time and is frightening. One of my good friend, Capt Azhah replied my mail. He said...

Its very unfortunate that Malaysian drivers some time turned into devils once they are behind the wheel. I have encountered umpteen times that Kancil or Viva or Wira or Waja or whatever little Malaysian cars being driven as if they are on the F1 race track, even in the rain. Even with my Mercedes and BMW, I found it difficult to keep up with the "supersonic" speed of these cars on the highway. Albeit unethical to say that they deserve to hit the road dividers, empirically their lack of concern for their safety while on the road paved the way to their own peril. Some even modified their cars in order to increase performance, but they forgot about safety. We can see a lot of these little cars being turbo-charged or their engines changed to those of bigger capacity. With these modifications, they hit the road with gusto, thinking they are driving a Ferrari. To borrow a Malay proverb, their behaviour on the road is like "Kera kena belacan". Of course much to the chagrin of other law abiding road users.

I told him my title "Ruthless Malaysian Drivers was posted on April 14th 2007. I said...

By nature Malaysian is considered as friendly. All our various races live in harmony to the envy of the world. However when we drive on the road, we turn 'animal' with instinct to attack and to be ruthless.

I really don't understand why we behave such rude manner. Even myself, when I was younger I reacted rudely too when I drove. Today with some understanding of life, I have softened a lot but still not perfect yet lah. Have to confess here! May be bad habit is difficult to change. Don't forget, I am only at 38 and turning 37 soon. Still have the vigorous heart in mind.

I have a girl friend who is nice and spiritually an inclined person. When she is on the wheel, she would also lose her commotion without realising it herself. She would yell, point finger, attack and throw all four letters words to release her tension. At that moment, it was sad that she lost all her feminine charm as a lady. I hope, she won't be reading this. Hihi!

I have another similar example. My previous ex driver was innocently a young man. I employed him for his religious trust and honest behaviour. Shameful to relate, he was the same too. In fact, he could change his entire personality from soft to arrogant, when he was on the wheel. He was a good driver who followed rules and regulations. However, when another driver cut into his path, he would easily get agitated. Instead of giving way, he would resist and attack. The boss here also could not calm him down. No joke! This style of driving is dangerous, which causes the many motor accidents in our country. That is why our PM is having a big headache whenever our Malaysian goes 'balik kampong.' Pity the old man!

Incidentally I have an old classmate who had a stroke. He is still unmarried and had been a great judo expert cum instructor since school days. With his judo philosophically training and teaching, he should be a calmer and more of a controllable person. According to his girlfriend, he was like a crazy or a mad driver when he drove. He had this stroke while driving for he had been driving with stress for more than 40 years. What a pity! I wonder whether he could still love his young girl friend now. Gentleman out there, be careful the way you drive. Otherwise you might not see your girl friend too.

I had travelled to many Asian populated cities where their traffics are even much higher than us. Surprisingly, their motorists are more pleasant and well manner compare to us. They understand the language of good driving. Their attitude is right. They have things that we don't have. They know how to be patience and know how to relax when on wheel.
Regret to say, we Malaysian has dual types of personality. Friendly when not driving but when driving we are no longer friendly. High time Malaysian has to learn and to understand these two simple words; "Patience & Relax" Betul tak?

After Capt Azhad read the above, he wrote his mind. Its interesting....

The Government have "tried" all sorts of systems in order to encourage and inculcate save driving, but to no avail. Numerous traffic laws were passed in parliament, but we still have errant drivers roaming the highways and the byways. Why? To me, it all boils down to the implementation of the law and the attitude of Malaysians at large. I have lived in Germany, in the UK and in the USA. The law enforcers there are very intimate in enforcing the law without fear or favour. And the drivers take the law seriously as they know the hands of the law would get to them if they flouted any of the traffic regulations. But here in Malaysia, law enforcement seems to be seasonal. Traffic offenders could get away, even when caught by the law enforcers, once a few portraits of the Agong changed hands between the enforcers and the offenders. Even school children are oblivious to the law. Just see the number of school children riding motor bikes without wearing crash helmets as required by the law. No body says anything about it. The parents, the teachers and the Malaysian at large tend to ignore the flouting of the law by these would be future drivers and riders at such a young age. What can we expect when these children grow up. Will they respect the law or flout it as they used to do when they were young? The "kapcai" mentality in them would normally prevail.

Hence, 2 most important actions need to be pursuit. Educating the young (if they flout the law, nip them early) and enforcing the law. ...."bukan saman ekor sahaja"...but it must be done holistically. If these failed....what else? Well, ban all traffic from hitting the roads.

Thank you Capt for sharing your thought. I hope our attitude would change in due course.

Food for thought - Brian Tracy said "You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you."

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