Thursday, August 26, 2010

What is Happiness?

I got to know an Iranian lady's friend recently, who is currently studying for her Doctrine in Malaysia. Her studies were being disturbed because her mind wasn't at peace. Love and the past were the main causes of her unhappiness. With our constant communication through Facebook and our emails, i was able to change her mindset from negative to positive. She seems happier and more cheerful in her recent writing to me.

One of the subject i shared with her was Happiness. I asked her how much she knows and understands what is Happiness. Sounds a very simple word! Before she began, i told her this... if one explains Happiness by using 100 words or more, i think that particular person might not really know what happiness is. The more explanation and definition, the more one confuses the word of happiness. If you could explain Happiness by less than 20 words... Ah! I think you are drawing nearer to it. Finally, if someone who could use one or less than 5 words to define Happiness, this word will be easier to understand... even a small child would.

Since my lady friend hasn't come back with an answer, i might as well blog it here for her and the rest to read. Happiness cannot be seen, neither can be eaten nor smell and cannot be touched either. One word to describe "Feeling." Is only feeling of our mind. Right? Our brain is constantly thinking and the only time when the brain isn't functioning is when we are dead. When we are thinking, our thought has feeling and the feeling is either happy or unhappy. Feeling comes in many forms. We can be excited, anxious, sad, frustrated, worried, tensed and scared. All these feelings lead to happy or unhappy of ourselves eventually.

If my lady friend could think of the good and beautiful past, like those childhood days when her parents were around to kiss and hug her, she could feel to be happy instantly. However if she chooses to think of the present about her unfaithful boyfriend, she might cry and feel to be unhappy immediately too. The choices are up to her. I suggest she should think of all meaningful sweet things to feel happy rather than to be sad. My dear there... Happiness is only feeling.

Specially for my dear friend from Iran - "What's the use of worrying? It never was worth while, So pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag, And smile, smile, smile" -- George Asaf


  1. Hi dear Robert,

    Thank you so much for sharing this topic to me and others. you are right and I agree that happiness means feeling. I can remember the moments which I was happy or sad ...
    Thanks again and wish ever happiness for you

  2. Hi my dear Hasty,

    Knowing you is great too. Is a nice and happy feeling.
