Friday, September 03, 2010

I am a Santa Claus.

What is my greatest joy in selling life insurance? To be a Santa Claus to all my friends and clients. The first twenty years in this career, i was forcing and pressing my clients to pay their premiums. It wasn't easy because many wanted to stop or to cancel their plans due to many personal reasons. The main reason was no money! Each time they intended to terminate their programs, i would be there to listen and to understand their problems. Along the way with a lot of patience and tolerance, all my clients turned closer to me.. the ladies became my dears and the gentlemen look upon me as an elder brother.

Today, for the past seven years i have had been working like a Santa Claus who is giving money and gifts to all my friends. The policies which i had been selling are maturing after a term of 20 or more years are paid. They are the educational and retiring plans. Almost every month, i have maturing payments and small gifts drawn out from our company, and i insisted that the cheques and presents to be sent to me. In turn i love handing over personally to the deserving clients.

Yesterday i had a chance to meet Nirmal, a client of 20 years, when i hand delivered his full payment of RMx00,000. I had reminded him last month on phone, that his policy will be maturing in September. I told him that i would like to see him personally, rather than to send his cheque by mail. On this day when i handed over this money to him, i could see his face smiled and his eyes were blinkering with excitement. Though the amount might not be as big as his personal assets, he could not imagine time of 20 years had gone by so fast. I was equally happy and proud because i was the attending agent who sold him the plan and i am still around to fulfil my promises to him. The greatest achievement is, both the client and the agent are still around, healthy and naughty as ever.

I told Nirmal, my biggest mistake is..I should have made him add another zero onto his premium for the last 20 years repayment. With that extra zero, i would have brought him a cheque of RMx,000,000 (Million) today. Nirmal was laughing. We ended with a wonderful happy hours.

Am i to stop selling life insurance? No way! No any amount of incentives and attraction could distract my hobby of being providing protection to all my friends. More so to be a Santa Claus to everyone i know. I speak from my heart.

If only you believe - "Do What You Love and The Money Will Follow" -Famous Quotes on Work

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