Monday, September 27, 2010

Self-confidence is better than paper qualifications

Cherry from Penang, would be having a job interview today in Singapore where many aspiring young Malaysian like to seek employment there. She called me on phone last nite, worried and sad because she had lost her original SPM certificate (High School certificate). She expects to show all her papers to the interviewers. And it's too late to get the replacement from the Education Authority now. The new job is important to her.

This was what i told Cherry. Paper qualifications aren't relevant if one has the personal confidence. Cherry, you have a pleasant and sweet personality which everyone likes. This is not the first job. You had been working for several years, in Penang, Singapore and Taiwan. I am sure you have the experiences and knowledge. What is important now, is to stand tall and to be able to speak your mind. The self-confidence is more important than all your paper qualifications. A good employer would wish to get one employee who could speak effectively rather than engage one who is dumbed. Cherry, i am sure you have all the ideal qualities to be a better employee. Please show your mind and not just the papers.

As for me i only have the walking qualification gained from the Public University of life, and yet today all my successful and rich clients have to listen to my advices. Reason..i am brave, courageous and confidence in all my dealings.

Before Cherry slept, she sent me this message... Thx my dear, u pump in so much confidence and happiness to me. Miss you! XoXo. I wish her best of luck.

Food for thought - “Your chances of success in any undertaking can always be measured by your belief in yourself.” - Robert Collier quote

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