Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How to make love with a woman?

DengDeng is one of mine blog reader from Penang. He sent an email to me....

Hi Young Man,

Long time no see…. How you are? ;)
Wanna share this movie and you might sharing this interesting topic in ur blog….~~

How to Make Love to a Woman (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1241017/)

Hope to see how you comment on this topic… ;)

Good topic DengDeng. How to Make Love to a woman? It depends when it happens!!!

When i was a teenager, making love was never in my mind. If ever i had a chance to speak privately with a girl, that was a already a great achievement to me then. Came a day when i held the little finger of a sweet young thing, she immediately became my special girlfriend. Those were the days!

When i finished school and started to work early in life, making love to a woman was mainly because of sex. It was a straight forward game where no love or intimacy was involved. The show could last less than 5 minutes. Reason i knew nothing. The mind went wild and the heart beat like hell.

I became a young father in my early twenties. Making love to woman was like an obligation and duty. Day was to work and bring in the cash to feed the few mouths in the house. Nite was to distress and a short entertainment. Thinking back, i think i really did not know how to make love to any woman during this period of time while raising my family.

Now is different because all my children have grown to be father to themselves too. Making love to woman at this moment of time is an art to me, quite similar to selling. I prospect the right woman to fall in love. The woman with beauty of the heart is more important than her external beauty. My love comes with patience, kindness, no envy, no boastfulness, nor proud. I cannot be rude to the woman i love. I cannot be self seeking and easily angered to her. I will always have high hopes and always perseveres toward her. Because i believe true love never fails. With this confidence in my mind, i know my woman will certainly give in to my approaches and accept me whole heartily. Unless i am prepared to honour all the above givings, i don't think i would make love with any woman. If i do, i am certain the woman i make love with, will be the happiest woman in my arm.

Hey! DengDeng what do you think?

Something you must remember
- "You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her"


  1. You really my master!
    Every time I have some funny topic or thought throw to you, you will express it with your wisdom and humor.

    This movie express your experiences which you wrote here. The term of "Making Love" to a teenager or most of the people will straight forward relate it to sex. But don't forget the art of wording, the making love can be express as sex or the process of love, which you 'explain' it in the last part of this topic.

    Hope that every readers here enjoy the making love...


  2. Hi DengDeng,

    Thank you for your compliment.
