Friday, October 15, 2010

Wife's Power

Selling tips...

After many years of selling, i have to know the authority of a home. Most people thought husband is the decider for a family. Not true! The world has changed, when women are more powerful and have more says in our society. A good salesperson has to sense whether The King or The Queen is in control. The Queen could give a slim excuse to refer to the The King first for not concluding a sale, but in actual fact she is the one who could decide. So if you could spend more time to butter her, the chances to close the sales is much easier.

One of my female client whom i had discussed with our plans recently sent me a short message. She wrote, "Dear Mr Foo, haven't got time to talk to my husband. Will discuss with him this weekend. Thx:)."

My reply, "Pls... He is the Master of the house but when the wife says Yes.. I am sure he would also say Yes... Right my dear."

Later of the week, the entire family signed those papers with me without the husband presence. Why? Because she is The Queen who controls.

The power of woman - "Only two things are necessary to keep one's wife happy. One is to let her think she is having her own way, and the other is to let her have it" - Lyndon Johnson.

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