Sunday, November 21, 2010

Difference Between Complete & Finished...

Have a Sunday laugh please....

People say there is no difference between COMPLETE & FINISHED. . but there is:

When you marry the right one, you are COMPLETE....

And when you marry the wrong one, you are FINISHED.....

And when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are ...



  1. Hey Robert,
    How are you doing?
    This is good for a Sunday laugh...
    Do take care and send our regards to your Darling, ya...

  2. Hi Wan

    Yes! I am on top of the world because knowing you allows me to have this fantastic feeling, youngman. Have to be strong & healthy, otherwise how to take care of my little darling. She keeps on reminding me the trip to the east coast.

    Hope my naughty Sunday laugh didnt offend anyone out there. Haha!!
