Thursday, November 25, 2010

Humiliated, I learned to be stronger.

An incident i won't forget.

I started to learn selling life insurance 28 years ago. Full of enthusiasm and energy, i was prepared to be trained and guided in everyway possible. Those days, training and motivation classes were limited. The best way was to read and see the available books and video pertaining to the greatness of other agents of the West.

One day my immediate agency manager suggested that i should approach the top sellers of the company for tips and advices. Why not? On a day of our company annual convention, all qualified Star Producers were invited to a grand dinner for the night. I was one of them, a rookie agent who by chance managed to make it for that 1st year. I was too eager to rub shoulder with all those so called top producers those days. I told myself that i ought to meet the Champion. With some courage, i managed to see this great agent who was mixing around with all his buddies then. I approached him with a broad smile, together with a warm handshake to congratulate this senior veteran of our business. I was told he was already in selling for more than 15 good years with our company.

During the short chat with him, i eagerly asked this question, "What is the secret of your success in selling life insurance Hero?" Staring at me, he said," Drink my glass of whisky and i would tell you!" I was stunned and caught in despair with his response. I told him that i am a non drinker but willingly to learn from him. He was laughing loudly. He continued saying, "If you respect me, you would drink it. Bottom up!" All his surrounding colleagues supported him too. Repeatedly these words sounded, "Drink! Drink! Drinkkkk!" Giving me no choice under such circumstances, i grabbed his glass and forced myself to drink the unfriendly whisky of his.

As soon as i finished his drink, he sounded this unforgettable statement till today i will still remember, "The secret of success in selling life insurance is to drink whisky and beer all the time!!!!" With the cheeky laugh, they moved away from me. I was disgusted and humiliated by these group of successful professionals.

Conclusion: He was selfish and unwilling to share. Though he might be successful in business, his heart wasn't rich. Thanks God! He left our business few years later and ventured into some other businesses.

Though it was my unforgettable experiences, it taught me that one should not be humiliated when that person had the humbleness to ask for favour. Ever since then, i promised myself that if i do well in life, i would share all my experiences and wisdom to those who need them.

Quoted on my name card, i wrote - "My Belief - I must help people without people asking."


  1. How true this is, my dear Robert! I hope that I am always willing to share and help someone rise to the next level (even if one day that person becomes my supervisor).

    Everyone deserves chances to get what they want in life and who are we to hold someone back by not sharing the secrets to success.

    Though whatever is meant to be is meant to be. Without that incident happening to you many years ago, we would not all be learning from it today.

  2. Hi My dear...

    For whatever happened, there ought to have a reason... i take it as for good. Including this humiliation. Thank you for coming back again dear.

  3. If I were on that situation, I, too would feel embarrassed and bullied. But I guess there are always people like this. People who are bullies and enjoys watching people being humiliated. But I guess there are always lessons to be learned from these experiences. And also it is important to have your composure, pride and patience in these situations.

  4. I agree with kamasutra - it is important to have composure, pride, and patience. These characteristics only mature with experience.

  5. Hi Kamsutra,

    Thank you for reading my blog and you too have an interesting site, Kamsutra Videos. Perhaps a person who always has a satisfied and contented sex, that person would be more composed in nature.

  6. Hi Just Me,

    Please read Kamsutra Videos site,might be useful to you as well.

  7. I believed that Hero told you the truth. In his sales philosophy is drink whisky and beer to entertainment prospect to close the sales. Unfortunately, this sales strategy cant be long term..... Hence after few years he left the business..~~

  8. Hi Anonymous,

    You are totally right. I am sure you are in business too to understand the business world. Thank you for reading my blog.
