Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Love gifts.

There is a saying; "Love the person when she/ he is around because when they aren't around any longer, you can't love them." How many really understand this statement!

When i was a kid, my mum used to say, no point to cry over my dead body, when you don't love me now. I didn't know the meaning then, until when she was gone later in life. Though she was nagging and scolding me whenever i was naughty and misbehaved, deep down her heart she loved me so much. The love and attention she had given me, helped me to be a better man of today. Is true! I cried when i think of her sometime because i also love her a lot. The sad thing is, i never knew how to appreciate her when i was young. She was a great mother to us.

There is another powerful phrase almost quite related to the above saying. I used to remind all my friends;
"Buy life insurance when you don't need it because when you need it, you can't buy."

Both 'love and insurance' are intangible in kind, which cannot be seen or touch. You can only feel them. Love is an expression of feeling and insurance is the feeling of peace of mind. When you love the someone, saying it now and the sooner the better. When you want to feel secure and be protected, buy the insurance now when you are still healthy and alive. If you combine 'love and insurance' together, they are considered as the best 'love gifts' for everyone on earth.

Food for thought -
"Love is always bestowed as a gift--freely, willingly, and without expectation... We don't love to be loved; we love to love" -- Leo Buscaglia


  1. Hi robert, really great entry. i like it.. May i use some of your sharing here for my blog? I want use it as a blog introduction....

  2. Hi youngman,

    Sharing is the best divine offering to mankind. If it touches your heart, i believe it would touch your friends too. Yes! You are important to me and by all means please share them with those who are near you as well.

    Hoping to see all of you at the sametime when i cld show my naughtiness. Haha!!!
